The Russian Railway will test pilotless technologies of control of trains in 2020.
JSC Russian Railways (RR) will test pilotless technologies of control of trains in 2020, reported within the Moscow urbanistic forum — 2019 the deputy CEO of the Russian Railway Oleg Tony.
"As for pilotless approach. Yes, we work with it now. There is even not a technical and technological aspect, the regulatory framework is important. Important everything correctly to issue and turn into the current legislation. In the test mode it will become possible next year" — O. Tony told.
Earlier in the press service of JSC "Russian Railways" reported to the Moscow Agency that holding "Swallow" in the automatic mode conducts development of the system of traffic control of electric trains. For this purpose the company started gradual equipment of the park of electric trains and also infrastructures of stations and technological objects of the Moscow Central Ring (MCR) the special equipment for remote control and traffic control. Carrying out will pass series of tests on working off of technology of the movement in the automatic mode under control of drivers. At the same time in the company emphasized that test trips with passengers or test trips along with passenger traffic at this stage are not planned for MTsK.
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