The damage from actions of vandals on OZhD in January-June was nearly 2 million rubles.

The damage from actions of vandals on OZhD in January-June was nearly 2 million rubles.

The damage from actions of vandals in the territory of the Oktyabrskaya Railway (OR) in January-June, 2019 was nearly 2 million rubles, reported in the press service of the highway.
"In six months 2019 in borders of the October highway over 200 cases of vandalism concerning railway property (damage of the rolling stock and the equipment of railway infrastructure) are registered. Damage caused to JSC "Russian Railways" in six months 2019 was nearly 2 million rubles" — it is said in the statement.
As it is specified, for illegal acts by police officers 16 citizens are detained, seven people are brought to trial. The press service reminded that coloring of cars, a beating of glasses, lenses of traffic lights and violation of integrity of seats of electric trains is pursued according to Article 214 "Vandalism" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
"In the I half-year vandals painted 178 cars, the most part from them — structures of electric trains. Passenger trains of the distant and suburban message of 14 times were exposed to an obkidyvaniye stones, nine lenses of traffic lights are damaged" — added in the press service. 



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